Missouri, the "Show-Me" state, is a paradise for fishing enthusiasts. With its numerous lakes, rivers, and streams, it offers a wide variety of fishing opportunities. But if you're a trout fishing aficionado, you're in for a real treat. Missouri is home to some of the best trout fishing spots in the country.

Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, Missouri's trout fishing destinations offer something for everyone. In this guide, we'll explore the top trout fishing locations in Missouri, the best time to fish, and some useful tips to help you reel in a big one. So, grab your fishing gear and let's dive in!

Top Trout Fishing Locations in Missouri

Missouri is blessed with a variety of trout fishing locations. From serene lakes to fast-flowing rivers, there's a spot for every angler. Here are some of the best places to catch trout in Missouri:

1. Bennett Spring State Park

Located in Lebanon, Bennett Spring State Park is one of the most popular trout fishing destinations in Missouri. The park's spring pumps out over 100 million gallons of water daily, creating a perfect habitat for rainbow trout.

The park offers a variety of fishing options, including fly fishing zones, bait fishing areas, and even a kids' fishing area. You can also rent fishing gear from the park store if you don't have your own.

2. Montauk State Park

Another top trout fishing spot is Montauk State Park. Situated at the headwaters of the Current River, the park is known for its abundant rainbow and brown trout population.

The park offers a mix of fishing zones, including catch-and-release and artificial-only areas. There's also a hatchery on-site where you can learn about trout breeding.

3. Roaring River State Park

Roaring River State Park is a must-visit for any trout fishing enthusiast. The park's clear, cold spring creates an ideal environment for trout, making it a favorite among anglers.

The park offers a variety of fishing options, including catch-and-release and artificial-only zones. Plus, there's a hatchery on-site where you can see trout at various stages of development.

Best Time to Trout Fish in Missouri

Trout fishing in Missouri is a year-round activity, but there are certain times of the year when the fishing is particularly good. Here's a quick rundown:


Spring is a great time to fish for trout in Missouri. The water is cool and clear, and the trout are active and feeding heavily after the winter.

March and April are particularly good months, as this is when the state parks stock their rivers and streams with trout. Plus, the weather is usually mild, making it a pleasant time to be outdoors.


Fall is another excellent time to fish for trout in Missouri. The water is still warm enough for the trout to be active, and the changing colors of the leaves make for a beautiful backdrop.

September and October are the best months to fish in the fall, as the trout are feeding heavily in preparation for the winter.

Trout Fishing Tips

Now that you know where and when to fish for trout in Missouri, let's look at some tips to help you catch more fish:

  1. Use the right gear: A light to medium-action rod with a fast action reel is ideal for trout fishing. For bait, try using powerbait, worms, or small spinners.
  2. Be patient: Trout can be finicky, so be patient and try different baits and techniques until you find what works.
  3. Follow the regulations: Each state park in Missouri has its own fishing regulations, including size and bag limits. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these before you start fishing.

Booking Your Fishing Trip

Ready to embark on your trout fishing adventure in Missouri? Here are some steps to help you plan your trip:

  1. Choose your location: Decide on which state park or river you want to fish in. Consider factors like the type of trout you want to catch, the fishing methods allowed, and the amenities available.
  2. Check the fishing regulations: Each location has its own set of fishing regulations. Be sure to check these before you go.
  3. Book your accommodation: If you're planning to stay overnight, book your accommodation in advance. Many state parks have campgrounds, cabins, and lodges available for rent.
  4. Check Getmyboat: If you're considering a boat rental or charter, always check Getmyboat first. They have a wide range of options available, from fishing boats to luxury yachts.

With its abundant trout populations and beautiful scenery, Missouri is a dream destination for any trout fishing enthusiast. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, the state's diverse fishing locations offer something for everyone. So why wait? Start planning your Missouri trout fishing adventure today!

Set Sail for Your Trout Fishing Adventure

Ready to elevate your Missouri trout fishing experience? Make it a boat day with Getmyboat, the #1 app for boat rentals and charters. Imagine gliding across serene waters in your rented boat, accessing the best fishing spots with ease. Whether you prefer a captained journey or the thrill of navigating your own rental, Getmyboat connects you with 150,000 boats worldwide, ensuring a personalized and unforgettable fishing adventure. Don't miss out on the catch of the day – book your perfect boat experience now and reel in memories that will last a lifetime!